Magical Magnesium: Are You Missing Out?
Have you considered a magnesium supplement before or been told to consider taking one? Getting enough magnesium from food sources alone can be rather challenging and over half of the US population seems to have this issue for several reasons.
Downtime: How Slowing Down Can Keep You Moving Forward
It’s no secret that I tend to have a hard time slowing down. Whether it's work, the gym, or all the other obligations that stack up, I’m always on the move. But as much as I thrive on staying active, I’ve been reminded lately of the importance of taking some downtime — especially with family and loved ones. You might just find that in taking a break, you rediscover what truly keeps you going.
Aging and Fitness: How Goals and Health Perspectives Change with Age
Often times we see a shift in our priorities with regard to our health and fitness as we age. What mattered to us most in our 20s is seldom what matters most in our 60s and 70s. However, despite some priority shifts, there can be a shared common path and important key areas of focus no matter your numerical age.