Strength Training- Mastering Pull-Ups
If you have ever wanted to learn or struggled to do pull-ups (let alone one pull-up), understanding how to best go about mastering one can lead you down a rabbit hole with conflicting advice and opinions.
The reality is that most people don’t just learn to do a pull-up overnight unless they have an extensive background in athletic endeavors and/or lots of calisthenic-type and resistance-type training. Even so, the smooth and well controlled pull-up can still take a while to master.
Today I still see a lot of impatience and also misguided ideas about how best to develop pull-ups. Case in point is the over-prescription of banded pull-ups in the absence of other exercises aimed at shoring up strength and endurance in the muscles required to do a clean pull-up.
Improve Technique with Myofascial Release + Movement Drills
You may have heard both sides to this coin: foam rollers belong in the garbage, or they are a great tool to help you move and feel better. Have you ever tried using self-guided myofascial release techniques or movement drills? Have you ever done these with the intention of improving how you feel or your technique when you do certain movements like a squat or an overhead press? . Give this simple 3 step SMR a go and see if it helps your overhead pressing technique if you tend to feel restricted as you reach overhead.
Magical Magnesium: Are You Missing Out?
Have you considered a magnesium supplement before or been told to consider taking one? Getting enough magnesium from food sources alone can be rather challenging and over half of the US population seems to have this issue for several reasons.