Tight Hamstring Magic: Quick Movement Improvement
Can you easily touch your toes? If you are someone with tight hamstrings or you have difficulty folding at the hips, this one is for you!
We are big fans of time efficient movement snacks that can improve the quality of how you move (and live). Having a difficult time bending over to pick something up or tie shoes due to tight hamstrings can be one of those things. We also like pairing similar moves in this video as part of a warm-up for hinging exercises. Afterward, you will likely be able to perform with MUCH better range of motion.
As part of a workout, the argument can be made that simply doing a couple warm-up sets with lighter loads to improve your position as you fold at the hips works too. However, we find that sometimes we can use some of these quick magic moves to let the body and brain coax into positions that may not be possible for everyone with more loaded warm-up sets. Additionally, if you just have tight hammies and want to slowly improve over time, you can use these moves all by themselves.
Joey demonstrates a few movement drills aimed at slowly increasing some motions in the hips and tissues on the backside of the legs (mostly hamstring focused, as you have 4). One of the drills on the floor involves reciprocal inhibition of the hamstrimngs by squeezing the quads. This can be a game changer in gaining even more range of motion. Give it a try in series. It may just work for you!
If you missed our last mobility focused drill for improving positions as you reach overhead, you can find that here.
What is Reciprocal Inhibition?:
Reciprocal inhibition is when one muscle tightens, the muscle on the opposite side of the joint automatically relaxes. This helps your body move smoothly by stopping the muscles from fighting each other. For example, if you flex your quads (the muscles on the front of your thigh), your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh) will naturally relax, making it easier to straighten your leg.
Joey shows a quad flex/squeeze while in a stretched position for the hamstrings to help them relax and gain further range of motion while her hip is folding like it would be when standing and bending over.
Hamstring Magic Rundown: 30 seconds to 2 minutes each
Elephant Walk Steps:
Groove each side and assist by holding on to legs or toward shins as low as you can go with tolerable stretch.
Let the body ease in and feel comfortable.
Some tugs are ok but don’t crank.
Half Pike Butterfly Contract + Relax:
Half pike position as best as possible and slowly stretch.
Once relaxed and you feel things start to soften (this can take a minute or longer), start doing some :10-ish squeezes of the quads and then relax deeper.
Single Leg Bodyweight Romanian Deadlifts:
Integrate movement by mimicking the hinge and exaggerate the load on the hamstrings by arching the back .
Do 5 or so repetitions per side with control.
As always, there are MANY more motions and combinations that can help with some tight hammies, but we show these as they are accessible to most of you and fairly simple to try.
Have at it…
The key here is …
Test and Retest so you can know how you feel when you start and finish. Note what improves
Explore motion in slightly different postures as you do your contract + relax and pin + stretch. Sometimes you will feel the groin here or perhaps one of the hamstrings more than another.
Coordinate your breath and exhales to sink deeper if things feel tight and restrictive. Avoid breath holding.
Start integrating these drills into your dedicated warm-up when you workout or any time in your daily routine so things can take it easier with practice. Practice makes permanent! If things feel tight at first that can be very normal and note that it will be less so over time.
If you end up trying this one out or perhaps making up your own, send us a message or maybe even a clip and let us know! As always, Keep it moving…
Interested in learning new ways to maximize your mobility or perhaps some expert hands to help you with any current or ongoing issues? Book your first appointment with a 15% discount here using code MT15.
We will be back again soon with more DIY recovery, mobility and massage; but if you have a specific issue or area you would like to see us cover in one of these- as always- let us know. We want to make sure we find topics that help YOU!
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We will have limited hours 12/24 and 12/31, closed 12/25 and 1/1.
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