Thoracic Mobility: Why It Matters for Life and Lifting
When thoracic mobility is limited it’s no fun. While it’s the least mobile portion of the spine, it still does need to move. It can affect pressing movements, overhead positioning, and even your front squat. If you’ve ever felt like you just couldn’t get your elbows up in the rack position or that your shoulders were tight in an overhead press, a stiff upper back might be part of the issue.

Tight Hamstring Magic: Quick Movement Improvement
Can you easily touch your toes? If you are someone with tight hamstrings or you have difficulty folding at the hips, this one is for you!
We are big fans of time efficient movement snacks that can improve the quality of how you move (and live). Having a difficult time bending over to pick something up or tie shoes due to tight hamstrings can be one of those things. We also like pairing similar moves in this video as part of a warm-up for hinging exercises. Afterward, you will likely be able to perform with MUCH better range of motion.

Improve Technique with Myofascial Release + Movement Drills
You may have heard both sides to this coin: foam rollers belong in the garbage, or they are a great tool to help you move and feel better. Have you ever tried using self-guided myofascial release techniques or movement drills? Have you ever done these with the intention of improving how you feel or your technique when you do certain movements like a squat or an overhead press? . Give this simple 3 step SMR a go and see if it helps your overhead pressing technique if you tend to feel restricted as you reach overhead.