Foot Care? - Feet Mobility Drills
How often do you think about getting extra movement in your feet? Can you wiggle your toes and make a strong arch?
Your feet are the literal foundation of your body when standing, running, jumping, squatting, etc.; and it’s important to keep your feet supple and strong. They also serve you in balance, propulsion (think; levers and big toe power!) , and make for very cushioned shock absorbers.
With 26 bones per foot, consisting of 7 tarsals as back part of the foot and ankle, 5 metatarsals making up the long portions of the middle of the foot that become the toes, and then the 14 phalanges (3 per toe except for the 2 in the power house big toe). Needles to say, the foot has a lot going on (that’s a lot of joints!). As with many parts of the body, if the foot isn’t happy, other parts may not be as well. We like to use this very quick foot movement snack to get some movement in the joints and also play with the arches and ankles a little.
Try this Foot Mobility Snack Linked HERE, and if you missed it, try this scapular (shoulder) one here.
Foot Mobility?
As mentioned, this is a great one to try first thing in the AM when the feet hit the floor or maybe on a 5-10 minutes break or pre-walk. You can keep this simple and just do :20-:30 per movement and do it a few times through, 10-15 reps if you like to count, or spend a little longer with the ones you want more of.
As we always like to mention, if you get 3-5 minutes of motion every 1-2 hours, that makes up almost 20-60 minutes of extra movement every single day which really adds up!
Micah shows some of the key movements for the foot mobility drill he does, but there are many more. Bonus if you catch how the last movement helps him be lighter on his toes (wink, wink). Do your best to go slow and get movement in each toe. That part can be extremely tricky at first, but like anything with practice, you will get better. Also note how well you are able to move your arch and stand on parts of your foot. Ideally you will be able to progress this along with practice.
Movement Snack Rundown: 30 seconds each or 10-15 reps (if you like to count)
Mid-Foot + Toe Stretch/Movement:
Start by stretching out each toe. Work the toes in different directions
Progress to a firmer push and pull at the base of the toes. You want this to move so put some
force into it
Shift your heel back and forth to get motion into it along with ligaments and surrounding tendons and muscles
Toe(tal) Control:
Start with the big toe lifting off the ground and progress to the outer 4 toes. Then try starting with all toes off the ground and dropping just the big toe and on to the outer 4 toes.
Fan out your toes and control the movement down to the ground. Think of strumming your fingers on a desk but instead, use your toes to strum
Activate the arch(es) of your foot by dragging the ball of your foot towards the heel of the foot. You should feel a deep activation in the bottom of the foot lengthwise on the middle inside and outside as well as the ball of the foot. Mostly the medial arch is felty and used.
Next, scrunch your toes like you are trying to grip the floor. You can use a towel to use to help you feel the grip
Arches to Ankle:
Lets move on to the ankle and start with walking on the outer portion of your foot. Keep the toes relaxed
Move to walking on the inner portion of your foot (evert to medial arch). Again, stay relaxed with your toes and focus
on stretching and pushing down the inner part of the foot/ankle
Add in some heel and toe walks to finish it up
Again, there are more motions and combinations, but we show these distinct ones to try here and keep it simple.
Have at it…
Start integrating these foot movement snacks into your daily routine as you can with many other forms of movement. You can even do these while seated for the most part with some modification. You don’t need the towel! And have patience as it may feel tough to connect at first. Do all the reps and see if it gets even slightly easier as you go.
As always, there is not a definitive order or routine you must do, as movement is also about exploration. Do what feels good and see what you can find out. If you end up trying this one out or perhaps making up your own, send us a message or maybe even a clip and let us know! As always, Keep it moving…
Interested in learning new ways to maximize your mobility or perhaps some expert hands to help you with any current or ongoing issues? Book your first appointment with a 15% discount here using code MT15.
We will be back again soon with more DIY recovery, mobility and massage; but if you have a specific issue or area you would like to see us cover in one of these- as always- let us know. We want to make sure we find topics that help YOU!