Strength Training- Fast & Fun Pull Workout
We recently made a video about how to improve your pull technique for both alleviating pain and improving performance with how you row. This weeks video is back with a quick and engaging workout you can do using some principles from the pull video along with capitalizing on some techniques from the world of bodybuilding and calisthenics for muscle growth. This workout will not only help you when you’re in a pinch for time with nothing more than a barbell and lighter weights, but will also contribute to better body control. This can also be used to supplement your training towards pull-ups which we highlighted in yet another video some weeks back.
Give the short video a watch and th workout a try if you have access to a barbell and a rack at home or your gym. You mayalso see similar movements show up in your workout in the weeks to come if you train with us! Importantly, try out the tips from the videos above and see if they help.
If you missed our last fun exercise instructional on pull technique, give that one a watch first.
This workout can be done using dumbbells for the bent over row portion just as easily if you don’t have access to a barbell. When it comes to the body row, you can use the same dumbbell for renegade rows.
Workout Breakdown
10 Reps down to 1 rep for each exercise in a descending fashion
10 bent over rows, 10 body rows…9 bentover rows, 9 body rows…etc
Rest :10 between each movement
If you start to fatigue, take very short :10 breaks, try moving your feet back and closer underneath the bar for the row to make it easier to row with your body
If you need more challenge, add more weight to the bar or slow down the reps
Slow, smooth and controlled the whole way through
As always, have fun! Let us know what you think and if you’d like to see more similar workouts and workout ideas!
Interested in what you can do to get the most out of your daily exercise routine and work 1:1 with a coach? We have new personal training slots that are open in the new year and Coach Jess is ready to rock and roll with you guys starting next week! For a free consult, sign up here.
Want an awesome 4 day workout plan that check all the boxes in 40-60 minute? Check out the RB build daily programming-
Semi-private group classes anyone? we have 2 days a week currently and are looking to open a 3rd for a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule. Smaller size with lots of personal attention and great group energy. Shoot us a message if you’re interested.
More workouts to come. And lots more in terms of exciting announcements and offerings in 2025. Catch you next week…