Choosing the Right Squat for Strength and You

Squats are a staple in our strength training programs and semi-private group class, and for good reason—they are an essential human shape to be able to get into, build absolute strength, improve mobility, and develop full-body control and power. They are far more than just a leg exercise, they are full body.

But not all squats are created equal. Different variations emphasize different movement patterns, muscle groups, and performance adaptations. That’s why we love to coach all kinds of squats, tailoring each variation to individual needs.

And before you get too excited by the barbells only in the video—yes, Bulgarian split squats will always be on the menu at some point in your training plan. We’d never let you off that easy.

🎥 Check out the video below for demos of four key squat variations:

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1. Box Squat

If you want to build absolute strength and power, the box squat is a go-to. By sitting back onto a box, you reinforce hip initiation, recruit more posterior chain (backside “go muscles” like glutes and hamstrings), and develop control out of the bottom position or sticking points depending on where the box is placed as far as height. Plus, the pause eliminates momentum, forcing you to generate power from a dead stop—great for athletes and lifters looking to improve their squat mechanics. For beginners, this can be a great one to teach how to use the hips at the beginning of the squat.

2. Back Squat (High Bar vs. Low Bar)

  • High Bar: a bit more quad-dominant with an upright torso, this version closely mimics Olympic lifts and requires greater mobility. However, it does seem to be a bit more natural for most as far as bar position on the upper back/upper traps. It’s excellent for absolute strength development and hypertrophy.

  • Low Bar: Shifts more emphasis to the posterior chain, allowing you to move heavier loads. The forward torso angle means greater hip engagement and a stronger carryover to powerlifting. Great for longer femurs or if working around ankle, knee or hip mobility issues for some.

3. Zercher Squat

Want to challenge your core, upper back, and overall stability? Have issues with your torso leaning forward or hips shooting up? Enter the Zercher squat. Holding the bar in the crooks of your elbows forces you to stay upright, making it a fantastic option for building midline/core strength and reinforcing upright posture under load. It's also a great alternative for those who struggle with traditional bar placement. This one closely mimics real world squat and pick something up mechanics since the bar is held in the front.

4. Front Squat

A favorite for developing quad strength, core stability, and an upright torso, the front squat is a powerhouse movement. Since the bar is positioned in front on the shoulders, it demands a strong core and good mobility—making it a great choice for athletes, Olympic lifters, and anyone looking to improve their squat mechanics without excessive spinal sheer loading. The shoulders and wrists can be a limiting factor to hold on to the bar so it’s not always an option as shown in the video but straps or another arms crossed position can help to hold.

But What If You Hate Squatting with a Bar?

We get it—not everyone loves having a bar on their back. Luckily, there are so many other ways to squat. Single-leg variations with dumbbells, lunges, and even bodyweight movements can all build strength, stability, and muscle. And no matter what, we’ll find the right squat variation for you.

Let’s get squatting! 💪

There’s so many ways to learn to squat with unique benefits to each. We LOVE to coach the squat!

Want More Hands-On Coaching? Join Us for Small Group Training!

If you're looking to refine your technique, build strength, and move better in both training and everyday life, our semi-private group class on Mondays and Wednesdays is the perfect fit. Soon we will open more class times after getting some of your votes on ideal times. If you haven’t voted yet, please do so here.

These small sessions allow for personal attention, so we can really fine-tune your form and help you get stronger safely and efficiently. Whether you're working toward better lifts or just want to move better overall, this class has you covered.

See you in the gym! 💪🔥

Interested in what you can do to get the most out of your daily exercise routine and work 1:1 with a coach? We have some personal training slots open with Coach Jess! For a free consult, sign up here.

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