250 vs 200 Calories: Does Counting Calories Really Help?
Micah Kradin Micah Kradin

250 vs 200 Calories: Does Counting Calories Really Help?

When it comes to reaching our health and fitness goals, many of us instinctively turn to counting calories. After all, the logic seems straightforward: eat fewer calories than you burn, and you’ll lose weight.

But is that really the best approach? Focusing on calories alone might actually lead us down the wrong path, making it harder to achieve the results we want long term (key term here being LONG term). Let’s also explore why calorie counting might not be as effective as we think then dive into some better strategies that can truly support our health and fitness journey.

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DIY Mobility - Scap (Scapulae) Movement Snacks
Micah Kradin Micah Kradin

DIY Mobility - Scap (Scapulae) Movement Snacks

Have you ever paid attention to how well your shoulder blades (scapulae) move? Do they easily and freely slide and glide along your rib cage when you try to move or perhaps feel a little sticky or hard to connect to?

Scapular movement an stability is important as well as how the scapulae function in relation to the ribs they sit atop of and the top of the arm that plugs into them. Of course there are also many other structures and soft tissues that are connected or related to the scapulae and they can be a linchpin to many of the things we want our arms and torso to do. We even see neck issue arising from poor scapular health!

Try this short 5 part scapular movement flow. We have used parts of this along with some other more specific work with our clients for everything from warm-ups to rebounding out of adhesive capsulitis (AKA "Frozen Shoulder").

with about 10 or so reps per motion. You can always do more or less time and needs dependent.

Of course, your scapulae combine many of these motions and also do some other cool things as well. Remember that your goal isn't to RESTRICT scapular movement to these functions shown, but to use it as a movement snack to break up your day and drive some motion ;)

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