Strength Training- Micro Workout -15 Minute 1 Dumbbell Full Upper Body
With some more packed Summer days, it can be really nice to have shorter more efficient workouts. While “micro workouts” don’t always allow us to push the heaviest weights or perhaps the most intensity, when done right they can get pretty darn close. Sometimes it is about being crafty and making certain movements more challenging on the muscle groups you are trying to tax.
What’s more, if you are debating between not getting some exercise in due to being short on time, these can go a long way as far as keeping you consistent and on track with your fitness routine. Recently, I found myself doing a very similar version to this in a hotel gym that had dumbbells that went up to 60lbs (I was lucky they even had anything!).
Did you miss our last micro workout blog that also had a fun 20 minute lower body routine? Check that out here.
Through hectic schedules, kids, and running a business we have been able to find some winning formulas for time saving that still allows us and our clients to get after it in a pinch… MICRO WORKOUTS!
Micro Workouts?
To briefly recap, Micro Workouts are a distillation of the most important part(s) of an exercise routine that take a very short time to complete (10-20minutes even). Sometimes it’s using techniques like antagonist supersets or even sneaking in a completely different set of muscles groups in a way that is less fatiguing instead of a complete rest. Other times it’s going right into your workout and using your first sets as lighter warm-ups for the more intense sets you will do for that same exercise.
Today, we’ll show you an upper body focused workout I tried that uses some of the above techniques capitalizing on a tougher weight when you are fresh and then allowing for less reps in subsequent sets as you fatigue and become less efficient.
You will notice I use one dumbbell in demo here, but the dumbbell you use should be one that you can barely squeeze out 10-12 reps with. This will insure a very tough first set and then as you get tired and your muscles become less efficient, you can then fall back on still tough sets only getting 8-10 reps.
Micro Workout- Upper Body One Dumbbell
I added in a 2 minute shoulder mobility burnout in this routine, but feel free to skip it if you don’t have time. This whole workout should take about 15 minutes start to finish.
15min Upper Body With 1 Dumbbell:
Here is the brief 1 minute video. In about 15 minutes, I accomplished completing one quarter to half of my working sets in for those muscles groups for the week (for me). That means I would only need to do that same workout maybe 1 more time. Simple and effective!
In Order- Run through this 4 times for each side/arm.
Seated Single Arm Z Press: The pike seated position makes these TOUGH and forces you to work hard for a full reach. Try not to lean back!
Floor Row: Plant the feet, wedge the opposite arm/elbow in the knee/thigh for stability, and get a big controlled stretch/reach to the floor then pull hard toward the hip.
Hollow Single Arm Press: Tax the core and also make the lower portions of the chest work while trying to keep the press stable and controlled on the way down with a big punch on the way up.
Swinging Upright Row: Swing up but then control down through the shoulder and upper back.
BONUS CORE- no rest from these hollow rocks x 20 into the curls
BONUS BICEPS- no rest from these curls that have your arms and shoulders crushing inward on the dumbbell x 10-15 into the curls. Make them pump and burn!
BONUS TRICEPS- no rest from these overhead extension that have your shoulders and arms overhead and stabilized while you stretch and squeeze your triceps x 10-15. Make these pump and burn then take them right back into the hollow rocks!
IF TIME: 1-2 minutes of Blackburns. As many SLOW quality reps as you can. Keep the hands and arms off the floor.
**You will use one arm for all movements, then repeat on the other arm before coming back to the first arm again.
**15-30 seconds max rest between arms and movements, but you can try for less if rushed since each movement using opposing muscle groups that will interfere less with fatigue from one movement to the next
NOTE: Choose your dumbbell wisely and then have fun! Fi you dip below the 8-10 rep range that’s OK! Just try your hardest not to!
Interested in what you can do to get the most out of your daily exercise routine and work 1:1 with a coach? For a free consult, sign up here.
Want an awesome 4 day workout plan that check all the boxes in 40-60 minute? Check out the RB build daily programming-
As always, if you have any questions or just want to say hey, shoot us a message.
Finally, we hope you are enjoying your Summer and using your fitness to enjoy the time outside the gym as well.
More micro workouts to come. Catch you next week…