Strength Training- 5 Movements to Spice Up Your Training and Why
Do some days feel too packed to get in a training session, let alone a SOLID one that can check off all the major boxes? We sometimes have to look for ways to make exercise routines more efficient in order to get in and get out while also hopefully getting ahead and… maybe even continuing to get some personal bests!
This weeks article is inspired by a recent podcast put out by Stronger By Science (SBS) where Greg Nuckols interviews
Dr. Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis (and gets on many ADD tangents that I always thoroughly appreciate). Listen here.
This weeks work out, being inspired by doing less to get more features movements that give you some pretty big “bang for your buck” and may also offer some unique ways to approach common movement patterns you will want to include in your weekly training routine.
Some key features of several of the movements include:
LONG MUSCLE LENGTH- Muscles stretch into most lengthened position they can work in
MORE MUSCLE VOLUME - More muscle groups involved than just the ones mostly targeted making for more muscle overall being worked by volume
EFFICIENT FULL BODY - The movements by themselves and especially when combined work most of the body (full body combined) to allow for greater efficiency when the goal is to create sufficient stress in various tissues to drive the changes you want to see for strength, size, and overall movement quality/health.
The Video:
5 Amazingly Effective Movements to Try
While these movements are awesome rotated in to your own workout routine on the appropriate day, it can help to have an idea of how we would program these. Follow along below for how this would look in a 3 day per week full body program written for a client. Note that we also include these movements in our RB Build online program.
5-10 Minute Warm-Up (Short on time = 5min only on Air Bike, Row, Jog, Etc)
10 Yoga Push-Up (or Down Dog to Up Dog)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats/side
10 Hanging Leg Raise
Repeat 2-3X
Superset 1 : 3 Working Sets RPE7-8 (1 warm-up set on each to select weight on Bulgarian Split Squat and prime push-ups) (12-15min)
1.25 Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8/leg (rest:30 between legs)—*find a deep single leg squat position with great stretch
:30- :60 rest
Wall Push-Up x Max (Stop 1-2 reps shy of failure) — *Modify to knee or hand elevated push-up if needed but find tension through the whole body and shoulders
:60-:90 rest
Superset 2 : 3 Working Sets RPE7-8 (1 warm-up set to select weight) (12-15min)
Wall Romanian Deadlift x 10-12/leg - *push back in to wall and anchor into opposite glute and hamstrings
:30- :60 rest
Tripod Plank Dumbbell Row x 10-12/arm — *Move feet in or out to feel core engage and get biggest stretch to floor
:60-:90 rest
Stations Triple Set : Every Minute Change Stations - 3x (9min)
:30 Row at HARD Pace
:30 Russian Twists CONTROLLED
:30 Dumbbell Full Raises
Key Takeaways:
Efficiency Focus: Efficient exercises get the most “bang for your buck”. This can mean the ability to really hone in on a mind-muscle connection, work more volume of muscle, or work multiple desirable training traits to develop. Each of these movements hits on some or most of these.
Lots of Tension: One great way to drive stress for the brain and tissues to adapt to is to provide mechanical tension. This can lead to several pathways to produce more muscle growth, strength, neural adaptations and connective tissue health.
Long Muscle Lengths: Several of these movements focused on longer muscle lengths which may help create more tension, improve range of motion and strength in those greater ranges, be joint friendly, and also be superior for muscle size gains while also recruiting a wider range of muscle fibers.
We don’t have the full break down of each movement in this video or article but we will soon be releasing a workout template to use for 2 day, 3 day, and 4 day workout plans that cover all the bases. Everyone is unique and what you may want to work on in your fitness routine may not look the same as someone else. However, there are some key traits that you are likely looking for and would benefit from including in a weekly workout routine. Keep your eyes peeled and in the meantime, if there is anything you would like to see included, please let us know!
Give this one a try and remember to do your best to stay in control, focus on connecting to sensations in your body, and explore what feels good.
Interested in what you can do to get the most minimal but effective dose for your health and fitness goals? For a deeper dive into some of our routines and suggestions, check out this article we wrote about MED training here.
Want an awesome 4 day workout plan that check all the boxes in 40-60 minutes? Check out the RB build daily programming-
As always, if you have any questions or are interested in working with us, shoot us a message.