Strength Training- The “Right” Way to Exercise and Split Squat
Micah Kradin Micah Kradin

Strength Training- The “Right” Way to Exercise and Split Squat

The Bulgarian split squat serves as a great illustration of how flexibility in approach can lead to more specific and personalized benefits. Some coaches insist on a textbook-perfect posture and angle, claiming it's the one and only route to strength and symmetry. However, symmetry is not present in most split squats we have ever seen, nor is the posture the same. Depending on your goals, your version of this exercise might look different from someone else's—and that's perfectly okay. Whether you're aiming to improve balance, increase leg strength without loading a bar on your back, or target specific muscle groups, the way you perform your split squat can and should vary.

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DIY Workout Recovery, Mobility and Massage - Breathing Exercises + Stress Reduction
Micah Kradin Micah Kradin

DIY Workout Recovery, Mobility and Massage - Breathing Exercises + Stress Reduction

This weeks mobility and movement flow sequence helps with pain and discomfort in the forearms. It can also help resolve issues in the hands, shoulders and neck due to forearm connectivity up and down stream. If you have a job that requires a lot of use with your arms an hands or you’ve been on the computer or phone a lot as many of us are, give it a try. Give it a watch below…

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The Leucine Paradox: Balancing Muscle Growth and Cardiovascular Health
Micah Kradin Micah Kradin

The Leucine Paradox: Balancing Muscle Growth and Cardiovascular Health

In the ever-evolving field of nutrition science, a recent study published in Nature Metabolism has stirred the pot by shedding light on the amino acid leucine (one of 9 essential amino acids) and its potential dual role in our health. This revelation has sparked a conversation that's as rich and complex as our diets themselves.

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