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NEW RB-BUILD 3 Ways to Train…



Kicking off our next cycle, we are very excited to announce that we are joining forces with Revival Strength to bring even more comprehensive programming with 3 TRAINING TRACKS!

AND…You can try it all out for a FULL MONTH FREE to see if you like it (details below)

These 3 tracks incorporate a low equipment, full equipment, and functional body composition track.

The low/minimal equipment track is ideal if you are at home for workouts or don’t have access to everything in the full equipment track but it still has a similar essence and feel to the full equipment.

However, if you happen to have a full gym or access to one, we still have you covered there as well in our full equipment track with upper and lower body splits featuring power focused days with sprints, heavily barbell laden Wednesdays, kettlebell flows with gymnastic work like handstands and other fun methods to keep training progressive and exciting.

Finally, there is also a new (and third) track to follow based on similar training concepts you have seen on Fridays with our BUILD days, but this track is referred to as functional body composition (FBC) with a bodybuilding feel featuring high and low intensity days, days off specific muscle groups with focus on shoulders and core, and of course recovery days still programmed in.

With all 3 tracks you will receive 5 full training days plus 2 rest days built in (one optional active recovery of the two programmed Thursdays). You can choose how many days to follow in each track based on your needs and schedule.

We think you will love this training just as much as the previous RB-BUILD format…and maybe even more! It will hybridize the strength backbone of Resilient Body in both high and low equipment tracks with accompanying functional body building and composition.

Be on the look out for some new movements and methods to keep things fresh, exciting and also continue you progressing and growing in your health and fitness.

Video demos will continue to be sprinkled in as the library grows with videos shared from Revival as well.

The Method and Flow:

Each training cycle/block is part of a larger long-term plan, but you can jump in any time. Each cycle is based on a 6 week building block that is whole alone, but in the long run you will see themes and methods that carry over and progress from previous training. When you stick with a track for a little while you will feel the longer-term progressions that are indeed the intention for each.


  • Training Split: Upper, Lower, Core & Shoulders - Shifting focus, taking a break from certain movements and body parts, and changing focus gives your body the time it needs to adapt to the training as 5 days a week can be quite a bit. This split will allow your body to hum along without feeling rundown or beat up.

  • High and Low intensity days to avoid burnout and allow low rep with high intensity or higher rep with less intensity. You can’t go ape every day and not hit a wall. This is important to overall progress.

  • Recovery Workout - ALL 3 training tracks have them, and Thursday will be a day of sustainable aerobic based quality movement or an opportunity for a full day completely off.

  • Progressive overload for intensification and increasing volume with various rep ranges, cluster sets, drop sets, and other methods allow you to keep training hard without the burnout and fatigue.

  • Some fun new movements to keep things fresh and also train similar movements/patterns with carryover to each.

  • Conditioning with focus on quality contractions and quality movement over intensity in the composition track (FBC), so you’re in control and not huffing and puffing.

  • Much more to come…


  • New RB-BUILD hybridized with Revival Strength Starts on Monday, March 8th 2021

  • When you jump in next week, make sure to stick to a single track for the best results possible. Following ONE track for a 6 week training block will assure that you get a progression that flows and also lends to induce the specific adaptations intended:

  1. RB-BUILD (RBB) - full equipment, performance/athleticism focus, somewhat of a CrossFit feel with conditioning pieces

  2. Functional Body Comp (FBC) - full equipment, aesthetics focused, more similar to a bodybuilding feel

  3. Minimal Equipment Track (MET)- a blend of both though closer to RB-Build

  • Each training track has a different feel to it, so it’s okay to try for a couple workouts from each in the first week, and then nail down your path for the remainder of the block. Remember that can always jump into a different track after a 6 week block, OR if in a low equipment situation at anytime, default to the MET track.

TRY RB-BUILD FREE for 1 Month (normally $29/mo.) by using code RB3 at sign-up in our membership area HERE. Workouts are posted each week in advance.

Looking forward to training with you!