“It Runs in My Family”: Genes, Lifestyle, and Epigenetics in Health
Type 2 diabetes runs in my family and it is something I have been conscious of for a while now when it comes to exercise and diet. I also don’t think we can necessarily just pin this to nutrition and exercise since so many other factors and values come into play. The role of genetics, environment, and the interplay of both dictate much of our health and wellness outcomes and lifestyle choices may even be significantly more potent for a variety of health issues.

When in Rome: Embracing Indulgences in Your Diet
My family has been travelling in Italy (Rome) and Sweden and we are having a blast! Not only the scenery, culture and history; but the food is amazing too. This brings about an important point and factor that most people don’t think about when it comes to long term sustainability of any nutrition routine you follow to nourish your body: You need to be able to enjoy yourself on occasion to have any hopes of it being sustainable. All chicken breast and broccoli “makes Jack a dull boy”.
But how do we enjoy some of these incredible delicacies when travelling or perhaps at home in the pantry and not go overboard? How do we strike a balance where we can enjoy certain foods that may not be the best for us if we eat them all the time and then indeed not fall in to eating them too often?

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Debate: Is It a Good Source of Protein? + Macronutrient Quality?
This week we break down what types of foods may be classified as what nutrients and if there might be a better way to look at it. Aren’t all foods composed of multiple macronutrients anyway? We highlight a PB & J sandwich debate with a family member that inspired a better way to focus on more important dietary considerations.