How to Move & Perform Your Best + New Group Class

Knowing What the BEST Program is for YOU:

With all the different types of popular workouts and mobility programs out there it can be tough to find the one that helps you feel, move and perform your best. Many will have a specific focus like gaining more muscle, max strength, better body control, etc.; but not really clue in on how or why that program can promote that. Whether it’s marketing, following the data from the science/literature or maybe a combo, it’s also hard to say what may be best for you. To find the best program there also may be different considerations for an athlete versus an average gym goer or someone who just wants to maintain optimum health over their lifespan. Or maybe you’re just trying to have less tweaks or get out of pain.

Paramount in any session or training paradigm is a component dedicated to helping you improve the quality of your movement and have your body function better in the way it is meant to. We believe that whether you’re a high-level athlete or someone just starting to prioritize your health and fitness for the first time, there are certain fundamentals of movement that will help you be your best.

One thing in particular we have found to be extremely helpful is single joint specific focused exercises that work on expanding range of motion and stability at the same time. We often like to put these at the very beginning of a session not only to help get the mind body connection going and get more blood pumping into these areas, but also because it serves as a great way to improve your performance for the more complex movements that may occur later in a session. This requires some better connection and coordination. Spending time on a single joint or a characteristic that a specific joint possesses (i.e., rotation for the hip), you are able to actually improve how well you will later move in that session that focuses heavily on that joint and move better in that session overall. We have mentioned before that the joint capsule itself gets a priority line of communication to the brain and when that joint itself is not functioning at its best, it’s going to be a lot tougher to move at your best. Furthermore, when you ARE able to improve the integrity and capacity of a joint, that will translate into better communication and connection back and forth with all movement that involves that joint.

Joint specific training is not new and it’s not ours, but we do prioritize it in a way that is unique to what most gyms and training programs do. We HYBRIDIZE this with some of the more science backed strength and conditioning practices to deliver the best of both worlds.

We will be opening up a new class offering that incorporates joint health for better overall function AND performance. Offered weekends in a series of 4 class packs beginning July 16th. Drop ins are also welcome.

You can sign up here for a 4-week reduced package price ($98) or purchase a single class to try out.

Ready to open up those hips?…

What are benefits of joint specific training and the unique combo of the HYBRID INTERNAL STRENGTH class?

  1. IMPROVED JOINT HEALTH: In doing joint specific training you can not only improve the health of the soft tissues surrounding like muscles, tendons and ligaments; but the very capsule of the joint itself. Most joints in the human body are synovial joints and we focus on some of the common joint issues we see for most people.

  2. BETTER EVERYDAY MOVEMENT: When you clean up and improve the active range and capacity of the joint, you also make it much easier to move using that joint. This translates to many areas of life since we need to be able to move well outside of just sports or workouts.

  3. INJURY RESILIENCE: When you train your joints to gain better range of motion and control in that improved range, you make it less likely to get injured in that range that you previously did not have control over (Hence why you got tweaked when it went there).

  4. BETTER PERFORMANCE We add in specific strength training in each session using common strength development movements that human bodies should be able to do and progress this component in the best way for your body to adapt and change. The joint specific work we do before the strength based training portion will help you have deeper awareness of body position, be better connected to the movement at hand, and the ability to better tap into your strength and power. Whether you are trying to get more range of motion in a squat or add more weight to the bar, optimizing the ability of your joints to move, maintain/sustain position and better leverage against forces will only make your performance numbers go up.

  5. NEW ASSESSMENT TOOLS: When you do joint specific work it can be used as assessment for how that specific area of the body is feeling and working in isolation without interference or compensation from other parts of the body. This is a great way to see how things progress and also gain better awareness of compensations you may have with specific types of movement.

  6. HYBRID= BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: Mobility work without taking time away from strength training and vice versa; AND with the best of both. When you COMBINE joint specific training as a prelude to strength training in the specific format we use, you get the best results for both. You get important standalone mobility work in that also gets solidified into your most important training through the strength component to follow. No lost strength sessions to dedicated mobility work, and no lost mobility sessions.

  7. NO MORE FEAR OF MOVEMENTS OR SHYING AWAY FROM PAIN: This is an important one as many people are nervous to get tweaked lifting weight or doing certain movements because they have before or fear they will. This type of training takes some of that fear away and can help remove some of the guarding and compensation that may be in place from previous tweaks.

We are really excited about this WEEKLY SATURDAY GROUP CLASS!…

… not just because it embodies who we are as trainers and trainees ourselves, but because we believe it is the best way to help you reach a new level of health and performance regardless of experience level. If you can improve the foundation of your most fundamental movements you will not only function better as a human being, but anything else that is more complex or higher-level performance stands to improve as well.

We hope to see everyone there and look forward to seeing you feel and move your best!


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